
A quick guide to reset the password of your Cogeco wifi network

Are you facing trouble with your Cogeco password reset? Well, users often face such issues where they lose access to their network connections due to lost password. Besides, this also makes their network data and not to mention the connectivity loss. However, this doesn’t mean that they cannot reset the password of their Wi-Fi connection account.

When it comes to resetting the Cogeco Wi-Fi password, the Canadian telecommunication company lets its users change their password without any hassle. Hence, if you also wish to change Cogeco wifi password, then here’s what you need to know.

How do I change my Cogeco WiFi password?

The following instructions will help you to reset your Cogeco Wi-Fi password without any hassle. But first, you’ll need to make sure that your PC or mobile device is connected with the Cogeco Wi-Fi network, or via an Ethernet cable to your Cogeco modem.

  • Now, get access to your device’s web browser, then scroll to its bar, and then enter followed by hitting the enter key.
  • Hereafter, you’ll be redirected to the Hitron login screen where you’ll need to enter the username of your account i.e. mostly cusadmin, Next if you know the password, and then enter it, or you could also contact customer services at Cogeco to know about your password.
  • Now, click on the Login option, then scroll to the Wireless on the top of the screen, and then provide the Network Name (SSID) as per your preferences.
  • Next, enter the new password as per your choice and ensure that it is at least 8 characters in length.
  • Finally, hit the Save Changes button, and there you go with your password change process for the Cogeco Wi-Fi network.

Furthermore, if you could understand the aforementioned steps, or if you need any more info on the Cogeco reset wifi password, then feel free to get in touch with the experts at Cogeco tech support, and talk to the experts for better assistance.

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